26-28.09.2022. “Language - Ideology and Social Differentiation”, Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia. “Ideology of street naming” by Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Weronika Brzezińska.
07-09.09.2022. Linguistic Landscape Workshop 13, Hamburg, Germany. "Commemorative street naming in the border towns Frankfurt (Oder)/Slubice” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Isabelle Buchstaller, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Seraphim Alvanides.
11-14.04.2022. 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 11, University of Vienna, Austria, online. "Exploring the commemorative streetscape through time and space” by Isabelle Buchstaller, Małgorzata Fabiszak, Seraphim Alvanides, Patryk Dobkiewicz.
25.11.2021. Nominarium - cykliczne seminarium onomastyczne online Polskiego Towarzystwa Onomastycznego i Pracowni Onomastyki Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN. [Nominarium - a series of online onomastic seminars of the Polish Onomastic Society and Onomastic Laboratory of the Institute of the Polish Language of Polish Academyy of Sciences] "Sprawczość w przestrzeni symbolicznej miast. Społeczny kontekst zmiany nazw ulic a kształtowanie krajobrazu językowego” [Agency in the symbolic urban space. The social context of street renaming and the shaping of the linguistic landscape] Anna Weronika Brzezińska i Małgorzata Fabiszak.
Abstract [in Polish]
Presentation [in Polish]
Presentation recording
22-26.09.2021. Konferencja naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego "Miasteczko – Sztetl – Städtlein. Wokół konstruowania wielokulturowości i lokalnego dziedzictwa” [Academic conference of the Polish Ethnological Society “Town - Sztetl - Städtlein. Construing multiculturalism and local heritage”], online, Przysucha, Poland; "Czyje są ulice w Zbąszyniu? Toponomastyka miejska a (re)konstruowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego” [Streets in Zbąszyn: to whom do they belong? Urban topomastics and the (re-)constructing of cultural heritage] by Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Małgorzata Fabiszak
Abstract [in Polish]
Presentation [in Polish]
08-10.09.2021. „Wzajemne oddziaływania języków i kultur w Europie: pogranicza i przestrzenie kontaktów” [“Interaction of Languages and Cultures in Europe: Border and Contact Areasˮ] conference, online, Institute of Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, Lithuania; "Nazewnictwo ulic na polsko-niemieckim pograniczu w obliczu zmian języka urzędowego” [Street naming in Polish-German border area in the light of changes of the language of administration] by Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Małgorzata Fabiszak. [presentation in Polish]
Abstract [in Polish]
Presentation [in Polish]
01-03.09.2021. Linguistic Landscape Workshop 12, online, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; "The Eastern German commemorative city-scape: Tracing ideologically motivated street naming patterns through time and space” by Seraphim Alvanides, Isabelle Buchstaller, Carolin Schneider, Frauke Griese; "Political and administrative processes behind street renaming in Poland” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Tomasz Dyrmo.
German team abstract
German team presentation
Polish team abstract
Polish team presentation
23-26.06.2021. Researching and applying metaphor Conference (RAAM), online, University of Vilnius, Lithuania; "Narrative triggers: Metonymy and metaphor in the process of recovering temporality in atemporal representations” by Małgorzata Fabiszak and Ewa Olszewska
07-10.06.2021. Sociolinguistic Symposium 23, online, University of Hong Kong, "Commemorative cityscapes: spatio-temporal patterns in street names in Eastern Germany and Poland” by Seraphim Alvanides, Isabelle Buchstaller, Malgorzata Fabiszak, Frauke Griese, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Carolin Schneider, Anna Weronika Brzezińska
30.04.2021. WA Lunch Talks, "Spatio-temporal patterns of street renaming in Poland and East Germany”
15-16.04.2021. Ningbozinan online conference, China - Poland and other Eastern European countries language and culture studies: Significance and Prospects; "Street renaming practices in Poznań and Słubice” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Patryk Dobkiewicz.
29-31.10.2020. Figurative Language and Thought 5 Conference, online, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky, Bulgaria; “Figuration in city as text” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Patryk Dobkiewicz
08-10.10.2020. "B/ordering cultures: Everyday life, politics, aesthetics” Conference, online, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. "Street renaming as a means of re-ordering the symbolic cityscape in the time of shifting borders” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Tomasz Dyrmo
29.09.2020. “Mapping Space, Mapping Time, Mapping Text” Conference, London, UK. “Spatiotemporal street name changes in Eastern Germany” by Seraphim Alvanides, Isabelle Buchstaller, Frauke Griese, Carolin Schneider.
18-21.06.2020. Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference Virtual, Hamar, Norway. "Metonymic inscription of ideology in cityscape” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Patryk Dobkiewicz and Tomasz Dyrmo.
05-07.12.2019. II Konferencja Pamięcioznawcza [2nd Memory Studies Conference] in Warsaw; “Konflikt pamięci czy konflikt władzy? Strategie językowe w dyskusji nad zmianą nazwy ulicy w Poznaniu” [Conflict of memory or conflict of power? Linguistic strategies in the debate over the renaming of a street in Poznań] by Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Małgorzata Fabiszak
Presentation (in Polish)
Abstract (in Polish)
02.12.2019. Guest lecture (in Polish) at the University of Białystok “Ideologia w krajobrazie językowym: Nazwy ulic jako miejsca konfliktu pamięci” [Ideology in the Linguistic Landscape: Street names as foci of memory conflict]
19.11.2019. Research Seminar at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, a research-in-progress report in Polish.
Abstract (in Polish)
Presentation (in Polish)
16-18.09.2019. Poznań Linguistic Meeting, presentations: “Commemorative street naming in Zbąszyń”(1) by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, and Patryk Dobkiewicz; “To rename or not to rename… - Investigating commemorative street renaming in Eastern Germany”(2) by Isabelle Buchstaller and Carolin Schneider; “Investigating the geography of street name changes: A spatio-temporal approach”(3) by Frauke Griese, Seraphim Alvanides and Isabelle Buchstaller.
Abstract (1)
Presentation (1)
Abstract (2)
Presentation (2)
Abstract (3)
Presentation (3)
26-28.06.2019. ICLAVE 10: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe; Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, the Netherlands; presentation: "Shifting border shifting languages: Investigating
commemorative cityscape at the Polish-German border” by Malgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Brzezinska, Isabelle Buchstaller, Seraphim Alvanides, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Frauke Griese.
07.12.2018. WA Friday Lunch Talks; presentation: “Memory and ideology in a linguistic landscape: Commemorative renaming in East Germany and Poland 1916-20(16)18” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, , Isabelle Buchstaller, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Seraphim Alvanides, Patryk Dobkiewicz, Frauke Griese, Carolin Schneider
31.10.-04.11.2018. Urban Language Research: Variation - Contact – Perception; Graz, Austria; presentation: “Media perception of transformations in the commemorative cityscape” by Małgorzata Fabiszak, Isabelle Buchstaller, Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Seraphim Alvanides
18-21.10.2018. NWAV 47: New Ways of Analyzing Variation; New York, USA; presentation: “Investigating ideological street renaming in Eastern Germany and Poland” by Isabelle Buchstaller, Małgorzata Fabiszak, Seraphim Alvanides, Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Frauke Griese.
11-14.09.2018. GAL2018: Gesellshaft für Angewande Linguistik - "Sprachen – Kommunikation – Öffentlichkeit"; Essen, Germany; presentation: „Kommemorative Umbenennung von Straßennamen in Ostdeutschland und Polen – methodologische und anwendungsorientierte Ansätze“ by Isabelle Buchstaller, Małgorzata Fabiszak, Seraphim Alvanides and Anna Weronika Brzezińska
Abstract (in German)
Presentation (in German and English)
23-27.07.2018. LAUD2018/CLIC 2018: The 38th International LAUD Symposium and The Second Cultural Linguistics International Conference; Landau, Germany; presentation: “Competing ideologies, competing semiotics: A critical perspective on politically-driven renaming practices in Eastern Germany and Poland” by Isabelle Buchstaller, Małgorzata Fabiszak, Seraphim Alvanides and Anna Weronika Brzezińska